

We educate our clients on what it means to reduce all possible charges, even those traditionally thought of as unmanageable fixed costs.

Demand Management for Your Business

MCorp Advisors will obtain detailed usage from your utility company and review it for peak demand intervals. The Transmission and Distribution charges are directly related to your peak monthly demand and understanding how to lower your peak usage can create measurable savings


Demand management detailed explaination

Think of your demaind as your top speed driven during a month. If you were going 30 miles an hour every day but one day you went 80, your utility would charge you for going 80 every day. Smoothing out your demand ‘top speed’on a monthly basis creates the best power factor and least demand charges per kwh of usage. We indentify usage inconsistencies and work to eliminate the spikes when possible. We do this by comparing the peaks to your operations to determine opportunities. We then coach our clients to execute these saving opportunities operationally.

Electricity Usage Consumption Analysis